Zambezi News

Exploring Leak Detection Systems: Keeping Your Home & Business Safe

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Leak Detection

20 years ago, if there was a leak inside your home it would have been hard to find and could result in quite a lot of damage to the property to find the leak.

But now this is a thing of the past there are several different ways leaks can be detected, they are:

Thermal Imaging

  • Uses heat-seeking technology to convert temperature changes into images
  • Can detect water leaks behind walls, floors, and ceilings
  • Can also show moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and wood decay

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Acoustic leak detection

  • Uses microphones and ground probes to listen for the sound of water escaping from pipes
  • Can detect hidden leaks, even through walls and floors

Gas leak detectors

  • Can locate and measure the rate of gas leaks
  • Can be used to ensure workplace safety and compliance


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Other types of leak detection include:

  • Tracer gas: Used for systems with low leak rates
  • Pressure decay test: Uses a compact leak tester placed near fixtures being tested
  • Moisture meters: Use sensors to detect changes in moisture levels
  • Ultrasonic leak detection: Can detect leaks of compressed air, gases, or vacuum

If you need any assistance with Leak Detection...
It's easy, call Zambezi - 08 9361 7665.

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